Configuration settings

The Guestlogix platform can be configured to meet your airline's needs.

Each settings must be defined at the initial airline setup. If there is a need to change post setup, please submit a support request. In the future, capabilities to change these settings will be provided within the Management Console.



Set via

Promoted Cities

Up to 2 cities can be defined as promoted destinations. If there are no flights added by the traveler, these 2 cities will be displayed by default on the home page with experiences displayed for preview.

Initial setup

Experience radius

Experience radius will return catalog items that are within the target radius from the destination city. Radius is defined in Kilometer (KM) and defaulted to 100 KM.

Initial setup

Layover time limit

If the flight added by a traveler has a lay over then the airport and city will be displayed within the Home page if the duration is above the threshold specified. Default is set to 3 hours.

Initial setup

Statement descriptor

Modify what would a traveler see in their credit card statement. As Guestlogix is the merchant of record, the billing party will be Guestlogix but additional information can be included to make it clear to the traveler. Example: "Guestlogix - 3 Hour tour of Sydney Harbour"

Initial setup

From email address

Once a traveler has purchased an experience, the tickets are sent via email.

Initial setup


Provide a logo that would be included on the management console and traveler tickets

Initial setup

Last updated